So, the last few days have been pretty darn warm – and us?

Well – we’re riding out the heat just fine! 🙂 (you should see the pool -haha!)

We are nearing Kennedy Meadows – and the heartbeat of the Sierras is getting louder.  We saw our first glimpses of this snow covered mystical place just a day or two ago ~ various reports of what to expect seem to continue up and down this communication pipeline we call the trail.  Weather aside; we are excited about the changing landscapes ahead, and are continuing to head north.  

I’ve been toiling around with what to discuss in this blog post, and I remember something from about a week ago that I thought was pretty interesting.

It began one crisp and cool morning, a nice little breeze accompanied by a brightly shining sun which lit the way for our early start.  We were walking through an area that had been burned years before.  Lots of trees still standing, but blackened by the fire, no leaves, or any sign of growth when you looked into the canopys of these once tall and prominent trees.  However, the ground; made up of sandy soils had a pretty amazing sight… Thick growing underbrush that glowed green, baby saplings filling in some of the empty spaces around, native and invasive grasses growing on  both sides of the trail – and all of these things; together, are beginning the rebuilding/redevelopment of this area that was devastated years ago.  

As these plants begin taking up lost space, there is hope for a larger, full forest in the future… I compare this to our lives, and how we experience times where we truly feel like we’ve walked through fire, or are down on our luck.  The regrowth period is just like a new beginning, a fresh start, a time to crawl out of a hole or get out of a funk we’ve been in for some time. Just as the forest rebuilds itself, we all can too.   

When the darkness becomes more comfortable than walking out into the light, we must force ourselves to become comfortable with being uncomfortable – push through the doors of life, always moving forward only with just a glance back to see where we’ve been, but focusing on moving forward through whatever trials and tribulations we face.  

Whatever you face today, tomorrow, or yesterday, you can make it through – stay positive, listen to that positive voice inside, put a smile on your face and seize the day!
Much love to you all – 