Hello from Lone Pine, CA!  

I’ve completed about 750 miles on trail, anticipating the remainder of the Sierra’s one-step at a time.  These mountains are spectacular –  a constant reminder of the importance to stop and take in all that surrounds us – A twisted and rotting lodge pole pine, a wildflower assortment, a slowly passing cloud, a friendly hello from a familiar face, or a view that seems to go on forever.  Life seems to ask us to slow down, but when it does we must be open to this and listen. 

Are you listening? When it is time to stop and smell the roses, will you? 

You must! And the best part? Sharing that with someone, anyone – I believe our experiences in life do in fact have a big impact on us, but if we can share these experiences; it makes them that much better.

Enjoy the photos – I’m off to walk in the woods for awhile longer. 🙂 



1/4 of the way done! 


A swimming hole, well maybe a sitting hole. 🙂 


700 down… One step at a time.




Owen’s Valley – there used to be a fairly sized lake here. 








And a breakfast feast!