
As I sit this morning, comfortable, in a warm booth, in my favorite nook – “The Local Blend”, a coffee shop in Saint Joseph, only a two block distance from home, working on my third cup of coffee, watching the rain pour outside on this unusually warm February morning ~ I am once again reminded of the trail.

I said to myself, “Isn’t it funny; once you’ve had a simple taste of Mother Nature in all of her glory – you’re drawn back into it, even in the worst of conditions.” – like a moth to a flame, addict to a fix, or grandpa to a familiar friend; a walking cane – the grip holds tight and never truly leaves us, our heart, body or mind.

It is true – and why I am drawn to pack up all of my books, computer, notes and ‘things’ to go home, drop it all on the floor, throw on clothes and go run in it; makes perfect sense to me.  You see, to me and many I’ve come to know, it’s no different than being inspired to do something in your life, driven by the feeling that there is something more, to give it your all and to find yourself naked; stripped of all you have; in your rawest of forms only to embrace yourself for exactly who you are, where you are, and know you are on the right trail; meandering one-day-at-a-time, one-step-at-a-time.

Maybe it can be as simple as:

Listening to music that resonates in your soul and gets you moving.

A motivational message that pumps you up and helps you pursue something that scares or intimidates you.

A friendly wave or ‘hello’ from a passerby that puts a smile on your face and helps to pick your head Up and move about your day.

Running in a race, completing an obstacle course or playing a sport for the first time leaving you with a sense of accomplishment and desire for more.

To find something; anything, which gives you the self confidence you need to push through all of life’s challenges; through failures and successes all – good, frustrating, bad, external, difficult, fun, easy, hurtful, emotional, personal, hard, internal… is a miraculous feeling.

This trail I keep talking about; it’s given me just that – and even now in my moments of self-doubt, feelings of inadequacy, insecurities, even times that I feel worthless – I draw on the trail, I find a way to get back – not always physically back, but mentally.

How do I achieve this? usually through some type of physical strain and struggle.  I’ve found that walking, running and even dancing(not that I can claim to be a good dancer, it mostly looks like ridiculous flapping) but, it brings it all together; leaving me with feelings of pure, unimaginable and overwhelming emotions of  JOY, HEARTACHE, LOVE, ACCEPTANCE, DETERMINATION, BELIEF, FAITH… and most importantly leaves me feeling so very ALIVE – just as much as anything else I’ve experienced in my life – this strain, struggle and sometimes slow crawl takes me there; every. time.

Each day I struggle, I’m learning that I am enough, that I am lovable, that I do have what it takes in this life to be successful and to inspire others to do what their hearts truly desire. Don’t wait another second, start today; because whatever your challenge is, you can obtain it by believing in yourself, making a conscious decision to commit and consistently take one step at a time and you will achieve whatever you desire in this lifetime.


Today, I’m going out into the rain to find that special place… to find my trail.

What’s your Rain?  Where is your Trail, Are you on it? ~ You CAN Be.

